Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Saying 'hi'

Dear Moms,
Is that our new house?!? There would be so many corners for me to explore...
Don't worry, I was an angel last night. The human wasn't too late coming home, but just enough for me to show how awesome I can be when I have to wait just a little longer than normal. Plus, I got a kick out of watching the human look for light switches last night. Oh, and then the human got to laugh at me as I suffered from a case of the dreaded hiccups as I was going to bed.
The human has promised me a less stressful day today. The nice human who comes to play with during the day will be here an extra time today. I like her and look forward to our playtime together.
When the human took me out one last time before abandoning me for the day, I had her take a video of me saying 'hi'.
Love you and miss you, Lucy

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