Saturday, March 14, 2015

I Pooped!

Dear Moms,
I pooped!
It was kinda, sorta normal too!!
It had been 31 hours since my last poop, and over three days since a kinda, sorta normal-me poop. Thank goodness for this delicious gourmet blandness that I devour at meal times. And now with my first dose of abx on board, I am feeling fantastic!
I don't think I realized how crummy I was actually feeling. My energy level is now through the roof! My blonde human caught the last of my poop victory for posterity. I ran around the house in a frenzy, I was so relieved to poop again!
Wow, I talk a lot about poop. Since I'm not allowed to play with it, I guess talking about it is the next best thing.
Other than my poop, my day was rather uneventful. I slept, ate, peed, and played with the nice lady who comes over a lot during the day. She even stopped at the vet to pick up my abx. I like her. Can we keep her?
My blonde human tells me that you are on your way to Japan. She tried to show me on a map, but I really did not care. I was too busy giving her kisses and trying to play.
But if you are headed to Japan, that means you are closer to coming home to me. Yeah!!! I am sure you are having fun, but I miss my mommy and momma. I've got friends and family here, but I don't have my moms. I miss you moms.
Okay (sniffle and whimper), I must be brave and strong these final few days. Three days and a wake-up (or maybe 2 wake-ups since I'll get up with my blonde human then take a nap until I see you). Either way, I can't wait to snuggle in your arms!
Love, your little "I-can-poop-normal-again" Lucy

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