Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My Morning

Dear Moms,
Did you know there has been a ball in our backyard this whole time?!? It is a fascinating object that I don't really know what to do with. The blonde human let me investigate it for a few minutes then put it away. She said we are not supposed to be playing where I poop, but I'm a dog! I'd play with my poop if I was allowed to.
I got to visit with cousin Baxter and the human that comes with him this morning. I loved it! Cousin Baxter wears me out though. But when I grow up I want to be just like him!
I miss you and can't wait to see you soon!
Love, little Lucy
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Dear Lucy,
Look at you with your new (old) toy! Balls can be fun. I think you will enjoy them far more when you are a bit bigger and can get your jaw around them. You should probably get used to them though. Auntie Beth fully expects you to pluck them from mid-air without a care. I know, it probably sounds overwhelming now, but you are an extrordinary puppy! I'm sure you will be very good at it. It will make for hours of enjoyment - and make you the envy of all of the other dogs. say that just your tail has gotten longer, but we think perhaps your ears have grown quite a bit as well. Watching them flap around fills us with joy and pride - and giggles. I wonder if your face will ever be able to catch up.
I'm sure cousin Baxter does wear you out, but I bet you wear him out too. Take care not to wear him out too much - or Auntie Beth for that matter.
It sounds like you are having a blast. We are having fun too, but we do miss you terribly. We can't wait until we are reunited!
Much love,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loving the Lucy posts. THIS ONE IN PARTICULAR IS MY FAVORITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!