Sunday, March 08, 2015

My Day

Dear Moms,
I enjoyed a relaxing Sunday today. I played hard after my morning nap then slept in my kennel while my temporary human ran errands. After errands, we sat outside while the human read to me about some other humans who did great things a long time ago. The human seemed interested, but I was not.
The human laughed at me a little today as I battled the hiccups for a few minutes. I think the human got more enjoyment out of that than I did.
I enjoyed a warm bath and then went bizurk while the human tried to dry me with a towel. I don't think the human enjoyed that part as much as I did, but it was worth it as I now smell even better than ever. I then used my excited energy to run laps around the house. The human just stood in the middle and stared at me.
Now I lay sprawled out on the floor trying to sleep but the human keeps waking me up saying "it's not yet bed time, stay awake a little bit longer". I'm trying hard to ignore the human.
It's chilly here this evening. I hope you are staying warm in that weird place you told me about with the non-kibble and pig ear food.
Love, little Lucy
PS. Aren't I the cutest and cleanest puppy ever?!?

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