Friday, October 13, 2006

Run Forrest Run

With wind blowing between 15 and 20 mph and a temperature of 56 degrees this morning before sunrise, I passed my PT test!!!

The three high points:
1) no more worries about not passing
2) can sleep in two days a week as I will only have to report three days a week for PT
3) it remains easy for me to ask for passes to leave the area on weekends

Yeah for no more PT tests while in TX!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations LT! I am very proud of you. It sounds like you are having a good time. I know that CPT Stewart is very proud of you. Keep up the good work. I look forward to see how it goes when you get to your hospital and start working! Right now you are doing the fun "soldier" stuff. lol. Are you watching any old "Army" film. I think that you will find new meaning in these films, meaning that you will better understand the comments and jokes. I highly recommend Heart Break Ridge, We ere Soldiers, and Black Hawk down. Good luck for the remainder of OBC.

SFC Samuel Weber

Anonymous said...

Of course you passed!!! Apparently everyone but you already knew that you were going to pass just fine ;O) By the way, I was at CCV (Christ's Church of the Valley) tonight and I met a girl from APU named Amy Wilson (nursing major, just graduated) and she said she knew you and told me to tell you that she says hi and that she's praying for you. As they say at Disneyland, "It's a small world after all" :O)

Anonymous said...

"You're so wonderful," Amy chants in the background while I write this. teehee. Of course you passed, silly! I never doubted you. It still sounds like you are having an amazing time out there. I've heard the gas chambers are "a gas." Ok. Enough with the bad jokes. We're still routing and praying for you!

Anita said...

Woohoo for passing with flying colors AND getting to sleep in an extra two days now! Way to go Elizabeth!

Bean Pie

Anonymous said...

Hey that you know the serial number of your GUN, if you lose it do you just fill out some form in triplicate and then they find it for you or what?
Gordon Soares

Anonymous said...

HOLY COW, Beth, you are such a stud! I'm impressed, and I wish you all the best. If you ever have time, e-mail Nikita! (e-mail me at M.S. for her address)

You're awesome. Take care of yourself.
Julie @ Mission Springs