Monday, September 25, 2006

First Few Days

Today was our first formal day of training. There are over 200 officers in this course ranging in specialties from medicine, to nursing, to piloting helicopters, physical therapy...there are so many different professions here. Nursing seems to be that largest as there are over 140 of us. I have met a few that will be at Walter Reed with me in January and we have hit it off.

Yesterday I was ordered to appear on base at 1pm to sign in. And literally that is all that we did. We signed in and got our lodging rooms. Yup, that was it! Since we had time off, Heather and I invited some new friends out to dinner. We went to the Crackel Barrel. It was hilarious! That place cracked me up!!!! I think the North Carolina Burdines took my family to one of those once as it looked a little familiar, but I was still giggling at the little gift store in front.

Today we reported at 0430. If you don't speak military, that is 4:30 AM. Yup, that early in the morning. We in-processed all day (dental exams, immunization updates, HIV test updates, DNA updates, and much more). The group that I seem to be hanging out with finished at 5:30pm and headed off for dinner. Before ending the evening with a 2-mile run we all set up our internet in our rooms.

I am sure that I will get questions about the food, so I will address that now. Surprisingly the food is pretty good. There is a decent selection of healthy and not-so-healthy foods to chose from. Soups and salads are always available (which is a big hit with the nurses). And yes, there is an all-you-can-eat soft serve ice ceam machine with three or four flavors. The enlisted guys come back to their tables with huge bowls of it as they have physical training everyday and can afford the calories.

October 13ish is my physical training (PT) test. It consists of a 2-mile run, 2 minutes of push-ups, and 2-minutes of sit-ups. The only aspect that I am not looking forward to is the 2-mile run as I will have to complete it in a specific time.

As requested by some here is my mailing address while here (I will be here until Dec 14)

Elizabeth Hultgren, 2LT
2250 Stanley Rd. Unit 93
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-6401

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Inprocessing... Fun :) I'm doing the same stuff here, its insane!!!!! All we get is vague directions and wander around lost. Some of its the stuff I'm supposed to do at OBC. I guess this is the first group to report without going first so we get a lot blank looks, and everything is messed up. Believe me my experience isn't helping much, its been absolutely insane, but at least I'm learning it all the hard way so I can tell you what to do and not to do when you get here. The saluting thing is probably not as bad here, most of the people are saluting you first (there are officers but they're fewer or all inside) so you don't have worry about it, its especially fun when you walk my huge groups of enlisted people and you have to salute 50 times :) But the first day I kept having to look hard at everyone's rank I was so nervous about not saluting an officer. I keep getting told, well you should have learned this at obc but... The traffic is crazy here, I used to think LA was bad, but this is much worse, they're aren't enough freeways so you have to take roads that move a few inches at a time on. Its really been a crazy last couple of days.