Saturday, July 23, 2011

Where I Live

As the Dustoff Medevac is oncall 24/7 we spend about two thirds of our time at work. Currently we work 62 hours on and have 34 hours off. We have a room (about the size of most of your kitchens) broken up into to 9 sleeping areas. Each sub-room is separated by plywood from the neighboring sub-room. We don't have doors on the sub-rooms so we have hung a blanket at each little entrance to try to keep any extra light out of it. We usually keep the lights turned off and the main door closed to let people sleep whenever they need to. We each try to get a nap during the day as we never know if there will be a call in the middle of the night and how long we will be out on that call. Here is a glimpse of the sleeping room that I share with the other nurse CPT Boatwright.

When I am not on duty, I have another room a little but bigger back in our LSA. It too is separated from my neighbor with plywood and the exterior walls, well, it is a huge tent. Thankfully it is air-conditioned in the summer and heated in the winter. We don't use the main lights here either in case someone is sleeping, so we each have a reading light that actually works pretty well. Don't you love my comforter?!? I am only here for 6 months so I thought I would find something super random (and on sale). My alarm clock is even Disney Princess!

I know, I am adorable~


Jeku said...

Those are some small spaces!

Kristina said...

Goodness! Hope you brought ear plugs. I think this is barely a step up from camping... But it's home. :)

Amy said...

Love the comforter!! :O)