Sunday, July 03, 2011

Dustoff Training

As we get ready to head out to our different FOBs (Foward Operating Bases) the Dustoff Medevac unit we are with is helping us out with some final safety and scenario training. This morning we spent time in one of the Blackhawks learning about emergency evacuation. One part of the training is learning how to evacuate the pilots from their seats. Most of us just went through the motions until the it was Jason's turn. Since he was the last one to train our instructor had him actually pull me off the seat. I am sure hoping that NONE OF US will ever have to actually utilize any of the emergency training we practiced.

Once the sun went down we worked through some scenarios with our pilots, crew chiefs, and flight medics. The pilots spun up the aircraft so we could safely practice "hot loading" the patients with all the monitoring equipment. The crew chiefs and medics helped direct us through some final safety measures while we discussed treatments for our scenarios. Today's training was probably the most helpful so far.

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