Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Honoring the California Fallen

Thursday, May 26, 2011
Dave's Office
The Butte
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Float Plane
For a birthday surprise my Alaska family found a local pilot to take me up flying over the gorgeous landscape. Ben had to work so Anita and jumped on board Mike's float plane on Big Lake and headed off to Denali (Mt McKinley). An absolutely beautiful view.
Before taking off Mike told me that this flight would be very similar to that of a "combat helicopter" not true. This was the bounciest flight I have ever been on. Let's just say that we didn't make it to our destination as my stomach simply could not handle it (sad, I know).
Other than the 15 minutes of me being sick, this was by far had one of the best views I have ever seen. I wish I had take more pictures to share with you.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Bear Hunting
We went out on Ben's 3-wheeler, that's right, 3-wheeler (I didn't know any where still running!) to go check on his bear baits. He has two sites set up with bear stands in the trees just over piles of dog food that he has carted out there. One hadn't been touched yet but the other had been cleared out!!! Super exciting!!!
We didn't have any luck getting a bear at either of his stands so we went to another location to use his dying duck call to see if we could attract any. We didn't have any luck today with getting a bear but I sure had a blast getting to hang out just me and Ben. Guess I will just have to make a special trip up to do some hunting...
Monday, May 23, 2011
Holly Spangler
Honoring the California Fallen

Iditarod Museum
Did you know that I was staying very near to the Iditarod's official restart location?!? I didn't either, okay, maybe I did...
Today Anita and I went to go see Husky puppies while learning more about the Iditarod race itself. I am a sucker for puppies so I loved it!!! After playing with the puppies for a while Anita and I went for a quick sled ride (quick being the main point).
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Big Lake, AK
This afternoon after church at Faith Bible Fellowship in Big Lake, AK we went to Kevin and Janet Goard's lake home for lunch. Ribs, salad, broccoli, garlic bread, and amazing company. It was the kind of Sunday afternoon I picture having someday whenever my life slows down and I am out of the big cities. After lunch Kevin and Janet took Anita and I on a boat tour of the lake to look at all the different homes. Some looked like summer or weekend cabins, others looked like mansions. One even had a helipad on the roof!!! Amazing!!! On our walk home from the boat ride Anita and I were reviewing which homes we were coveting...(I know, we are breaking the 10th commandment...)
Honoring the California Fallen

Our hike turned into a focused quick walk to a little bridge then a quick turn around as it was a little on the chilly side.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Surprise Early Birthday Party

Monday, May 16, 2011
Whitewater Rafting
While the rest of the world had to go to work today, I went rafting. I am in Colorado for a class that finished on Saturday and now am in the Denver area to visit Norm Mininger. We met while deployed with the 47th CSH and have been joking on Facebook that in the midst of all our travels we never seem to travel anywhere near each other.My class was about 4 hours away from where he is currently stationed so we finally got to hang out.
He had to go to work on Monday so I decided to go rafting. The rivers aren't very high yet so the "whitewater" wasn't very white, but it was still a lot of fun. I got to sit in the front of the boat with Jeff and his son Sam. They are in town from Connecticut for a conference. We all had a great time!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Colorado National Monument
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Transport Nurse Advanced Truma Course
One of the courses I had been thinking about taking for a year or so now was the Transport Nurse Advanced Trauma Course (TNATC). I wan't sure if it would relate to combat flight nursing but I knew it couldn't hurt. I took some vacation time and headed off to Grand Junction, Colorado for a three-day class. With all the military medicine and combat medicine training I have already received this course wasn't as much a I had hoped but if it helps make a difference with just one patient then it is all worth it.
Some of the skill sets we practiced included multiple methods of intubation to include surgical cricothyrotomy, central line placement, rapid intraosseous line placement, pericardiocentesis, chest tube insertion. Most of these skills I am not authorized to perform stateside, but am intrigued as to what I will be allowed to do while deployed...
The following video should only be watched if you have a strong stomach. We were practicing our surgical airways and then trying to ventilate the sheep's lungs.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Honoring the California Fallen

Monday, May 09, 2011
Honoring the California Fallen
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Classmate at NTI
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Early Morning Session
While at the early morning session I had the privilege of meeting Kathy White the author of Fast Facts for Critical Care. It was very humbling to get to thank her in person for her donation of books to the nurses of the 47th Combat Support Hospital.