Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Working with Air Force Pararescuemen has been a lot of fun. They are the highest level of search and rescue in the world. And thankfully, they are very willing to share some of their training with me. A few days ago, they had a Military Working Dog Rescue refresher class. The US Army Vetrinarian stationed on Camp Leatherneck came and presented classes on trauma, medications, and even CPR. Yup, doggie CPR. The last part of the class was a review of intravenous access on dogs. Our Vet brought two dogs with her allowing us to practice starting lines on them. Let's just say it was a little more difficult than I thought it would be.
I am a little excited about the opportunity to get to hangout with the Vet in her clinic on my off days and learn a little more about Military Working Dog care. Hope my parent's dog is ready for me and my new skills when I come home...
1 comment:
I will trade you my main veins for bacon.
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