Sunday, August 16, 2009

Safe Arrival in Kuwait

After a 14 hour flight and a 6 hour layover in Ireland with an 8 hour time change I am here safely in Kuwait. Getting here to the Camp we are staying was the longest trip I could imagine.
Once we arrived in Kuwait it took another 6ish hours until we actually arrived at the camp we are training at. We got to camp in the wee hours of the morning. First on everyone's list was a shower followed by a hot meal. Our cadre (instructors) let us sleep for a few hours before starting our training for the day. For the next few days we will have some early mornings of outside training to try to avoid the heat before heading into air conditioned tents for some classroom training. I do have some pictures and a pretty funny video to show you. When I get to Iraq it should be easier to get Internet access so I will post them then.
The heat is amazingly brutal. I had heard from many how hot it gets here but August is an entirely different beast. Afternoon temps are in the 120's. Our tent cranks the AC so well that I am wearing some of my cold weather gear at night (it is great!).
We are here for a few more days of training before heading across the border to our actual duty stations. There are some really funny nurses and docs that I will be working with that I am training with now.
My goal during the next few days or weeks of training here and in Tikrit will be to update about safe travels as often as I can. Once settled in my new job and living situation I will work in getting some pictures up.

1 comment:

Ed Hultgren said...

"Kuwait"??? I thought you said the Army was sending you to train somewhere "quaint"! - Dad