Friday, October 10, 2008

Where I work

A glimpse of the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) during AM rounds. I am sitting on the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) side looking down to the MICU. Down on the far side is the MICU Medical Team in morning rounds. Starting at 0800 everyday they walk down the unit spending 10-20 minutes discussing each patient and their plan of care. The team consists of the 1 Attending, 1 Fellow, 2 Residents, 3-4 Interns, the MICU/PICU Charge Nurse, 1 Pharmacists, 1 Bereavement Counselor, the Nurse assigned to the patient, the patient, and (if available) the family of the patient. We have moved to a different area of the 4th floor which has fewer beds available than our old Unit. Currently we have 7 MICU beds and 3 PICU beds. Our number of available beds will increase next year as construction continues at Walter Reed.
Today was my final shift on orientation. While I still require further classes and training to be a PICU nurse, I am now a MICU nurse. It was a good last day. I cared for a ventilator-dependent seven day old. I learned a ton today. I can't just think of the kids as small adults. The PICU is an entirely different thought process. But I am eager to learn. I want to be confident in my care of adults and kids.

1 comment:

Lorinda said...

hi beth,
Our daughter an APU student in her last year of the BSN program forwarded your blog to us. We are becoming more informed of what her decision to become an Army nurse after graduation in '09 would mean for her.. The pro's seemingly outweigh the cons, but as a mom I will miss her as it takes her on an adventure! God bless you and keep you safe in your assignments.