Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

I will be working tonight and will have to miss out on seeing the costumed kids coming to my door to begin their week-long sugar high. It has been fun to see young families driving back from school with their little ones dressed up in the back seat.
An early Halloween treat was a local haunted house/tent in Laurel, MD. It wasn't so much scary as it was fun to watch friends jump as the staff spooked them. Erika, Maggie, and Lana displayed their tails as we entered the haunted tent. Afterwards we went out to dinner to chat and hangout. I am really liking my new floor. It has been pretty easy to stay out of whatever drama is going on and focus on learning more about patient care. I am so thankful that I was assigned to the MICU. A great staff to work with.

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