Monday, July 28, 2008

Three System Oral Exam (CCNC)

Today was the day I had been dreading for the past 12 weeks. It was the day of the Three System presentation. This presentation is a 3-4 hour oral final exam. While caring for patients in the WRAMC ICUs we were able to learn about different disease processes. This presentation is designed to help us bring everything together and present it to our instructors. The patient each student presents (HIPAA is maintained) must have three body systems that have failed. My patient had an liver failure that progressed to renal and neuro failure. So this morning I had to present my assessment of the patient including history, labs, and medications. I then had to review (all without notes) the normal anatomy and physiology of the three body systems before discussing the disease processes that caused the systems to fail. My two lead instructors sat in the middle of the classroom while I faced the dry erase board and drew pictures and diagrams to help present the systems. That is the first 65% of the project.
We also have to submit three RN care plans for an amazing 35% of the final grade. Thankfully the APU School of Nursing had pretty high standards so it was not a huge stretch for me to produce some pretty good care plans.
My grade is now in the hands of my two lead instructors. I am sure by now they know how I did but I will not find out until sometime tomorrow. As soon as I find out anything I will be sure to post it here so you will know too. Thanks for the prayers to get me through this one. I could feel them as I was able to remain pretty calm during the whole presentation.

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