Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Three System Oral Exam (CCNC) Continued

I spent the day in the OR with my patient for clinical. The surgeon was really cool and allowed me to scrub in so I could better understand what the procedure was all about. (Military medicine rocks!)
After clinical I tried to find out what my Three System grade was from yesterday and got shut down. I am not sure if they just don't want to tell us until everyone is done ( we were told we would find out the day after we presented) or if they haven't sat down to discuss my grade yet. Either way I will keep you posted as I continue to wonder (and now starting to freak out) how I did. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Eek, that's frustrating. I hope you get your grade soon. Glad you're doing so well in the program, even if I generally don't understand anything you're posting about it.


Michelle, AN said...

AHHHHH they didn't tell you?? Have faith, my friend. I'll keep checking back for the news.