Monday, May 11, 2009

Scenarios and Dakota Holes

Today was our big test day. It was a 100-question multiple guess exam. And yes, I passed (thanks for doubting me...) Afterwards we went to the Airfield to get a hands-on tour of a UH-60 Blackhawk. It was pretty cool to watch all the pilot students flying around checking off their required skill sets. After lunch we returned to our training site to run through some more scenarios inside our helicopters. It is so small in those cabins and so amazingly hot!!! Just before being dismissed to head home for the night we spent an hour reviewing our survival training. I am now proficient at setting up a Dakota hole to provide fire for heat and to cook food. Ah the things I learn while at military training.


Kristina said...

Yay for you! Congrats on passing! I never doubted you ;)

Anita said...

THAT is NUTS! What a packed and crazy two week stint! I am impressed continually by what you army nurses do. Just a TINY bit more than night rounds and shots.

Bean Pie