Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Our First Snow of the Season

We had about 2-3 inches of beautiful snow fall yesterday. It was amazing. Her are some shots from around DC. I didn't take these but they are awesome shots of our Nation's Captiol.

A friend of mine was supposed to take a PT test this morning. I wanted to go and cheer her on so I got up super early knowing that I would need to get the ice and snow off my car. Thinking ahead, last night I cleared the snow off my windows and windshield wipers in anticipation of an icy morning. As I slid out to my car on the 1/2 inch of ice on the driveway I was amazed at the amount of ice that covered my car. I could not even open the driver's side door. I was able to get a passenger door open to start the car and crank the defrost. It took 10 minutes to get the driver's door unstuck and another 20 to get the windows clear. I was getting ready to get the chains on my tires to give me a little traction while driving to WRAMC when I realized that my tires were completely covered in ice! Let's just say that I did not make to my friend's PT test. Because of the weather I am really hoping the test was cancelled anyway.

I am very thankful that I am off today and don't have to drive on our dangerous roads this morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, that's some serious ice! I've never seen tires covered like that before... all the way around. Rims, yes. Icicles from tires? Yes. But all the tread too? Dude! Meanwhile, I'll enjoy some 80 degree weather for you. ;o)