Thursday, January 08, 2009

Learning to Snowboard

Just to beat you all to the punch...My face hurts so I know it must be killing you! I have decided that I want to learn how to snowboard this season. The weather was agreeing with me today so I went to Whitetail Resort in Pennsylvania to learn how to fall gracefully. Let's just say that I was not as graceful as I had hoped to be. Multiple falls where I flipped completely over to the point that even my instructor Alex was impressed with how big my falls were.

One was so bad that I didn't even begin to feel it until I started driving home and my face began to thaw. I face planted so hard that I can remember the headstand/flip that I did and then everything spinning for a minute or so while I regained my bearings. It was bad. My many falls were so amazing that we even tried to get them on film so I could show them to you. We weren't successful in filming the amazing falls, but now you can see that I can make it slowly down the hill in one piece. But my turns are getting it was a successful day.

The picture with the sunglasses was taken on the drive home when I began to feel a sharp pain on the top of my nose. The next two were taken when I got home and got to look in the mirror. The left side of my forehead is all scratched up. And there is a little cut just under my right eye and another just above my top lip. Yup, my face hurts. I know I will be sore tomorrow. Good thing I have another day off before I have to go back to work.

Anyone want to come snowboarding with me next week? I will provide the entertainment!

1 comment:

Krista said...

Ouch. I hope you heal up soon.