So, when you show up to work and there is a strange sense of
seriousness you know something is up. A few extra guards at the front gate should have been my fist clue. Mid-morning today, President Bush came to visit the facility and our Wounded Warriors who have sacrificed so much for our freedom. Looking out a patient's room I could see Military Police (MPs) lining the walkway between the hospital and the parking lot where I park. MPs would randomly walk on our floor throughout the morning and the afternoon, a strange site for me. While the President did not get a chance to see the Wounded Warriors on my ward he did get to meet many throughout the facility and award Purple Hearts to many who had not yet been awarded their well deserved medal.

Update regarding the Officer and the Nurse:
Today was my last day of oreintation. I spent the day being oriented to "sitting tele". I work on a telemetry unit which requires someone to sit in front of the monitors and watch the rhythms of the those patients hearts we needed to monitor. It was surprisingly fun. My preceptor sat with me to teach me how to use the system to print strips and admit/transfer/discharge patients from our floor. I had time to talk with family members and patients while providing a lot of information in our conversations. Before I could go home after the change of shift I had to teach my in-service. Yup, I am already teaching inservices! I am required to teach two a year. This one was on chest tube management. While it is a little intimidting to be teaching already, I am so glad to be a part of an organization that does not its nursing staff fall behind in anyway as they push us to be the best nurses.