Monday, October 30, 2017


I have never been good at saying goodbye, especially to those that are important to me. The past few days have included so many farewells. I have had the privilege of working with some of the best humans I have ever met during the past eleven months. They have taught me so much and graciously allowed me to learn from my mistakes.
Thank you to my teammates for allowing me to be your team captain. For patiently waiting for me to figure out how to best serve you. Anything I do right from here on out is because of you.

I thought I had figured them out. But they got me good on this one.
To my first line, I have learned so much from you. From mentorship, helping me correct a bad decision, or by simply leading by example. I can only hope that I am half of the leader and Officer that you are.
An amazing gift that I will treasure.
To my NCOIC Battle Buddy, I echo your words from 28OCT. Our personalities and leadership styles just worked. You have one of the best NCOs I have ever had the privilege to work with. Nothing that was accomplished during the past 6 months would have been possible if you were not here as my teammate. I look forward to the day in which I will get to serve with you again.


Passing the torch to my awesome replacement.
He will do good things!

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