Saturday, October 13, 2012

Where I Am

Work is still really difficult. It has been almost 4 full months since I came home and I still have not been allowed to rejoin my team. For the past 5 weeks I felt like I had been placed in an out of sight and out of mind job.  I want and need to be a part of a team and not be forced into solitude.
I knew that almost every aspect of my reintegration was going to be difficult. I just don't think I expected things to be this difficult.
All I want is to understand what is going on in my head so I can learn to adapt to it. Everyone has said that this is going to take time. But my job has taken "time" away from me. The rules of the game had changed, it took me a while to catch on, but now I know. And I am now ready to play.

This kid is back. Not back to who I was, but back on the road that is going to help me find my new normal. I will get through this. I have no choice.
Let the battle begin!

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