Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our DC Weather

drove to work this morning during an amazing storm.
had maybe 20 feet visibility at times...
there were some awesome lightening strikes during the trip in

on the drive home this afternoon the other side of the road
was closed for about a mile due to down trees and power lines

I had just gotten home and turned on the news to see the damage
from this storm when this flashed up on the screen.
And to show how much WRAMC cares, everyone was called to see if they had power at their home. Not that there was any plan in place to shelter us if we did not have power and needed a place for the night...just calling to check on our power status.

Last time it took three days to get power back to everyone. I hope this time we can be quicker as it is still pretty hot during the day and A/C is very much needed in some areas.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Oh I love weather! Send some our way!!! I've decided that if my whole teaching thing doesn't work out that I'm going to back to school to be a meteorologist. :)