Monday, April 27, 2009

A Weekend with Flat Stanley

With Flat Stanley in Kyle's front yard.
I just came back from a great weekend in a place that I am so blessed to call home. I spent the last four days in California's Santa Cruz Mountains with an amazing boy. That's right, Flat Stanley! Who wouldn't want to spend a weekend with him?!? We hung out around campfires with friends and family, took a walk on the beach, partied with friends in Santa Cruz, watched Pirates of the Caribbean on a sailboat, woke with the sun and not an alarm amazing weekend! Looking forward to many more!


Amy said...

hehehehehe :O)

Kristina said...

So FUN!!! We just did those with our kids too. Except, we have the kids make flat "thems." They are just now beginning to trickle into school... and they're going up on the wall! LOVE your picture with flat stanley!