Monday, February 12, 2007

I am a Mommy! Sort of...

So, I went out and got myself some rats. Yup, three gorgeous fancy rats. The grey and white one is named Pheonix (ever seen the movie Griffin and Pheonix?) , the all tan one is Baby, and the white and tan one is Munchkin. I thik they are soooo cute! I was only going to get two, but there were three sisters at the pet store and I felt bad separating them, so I got all three. Aren't they adorable!?! When I am home and not sleeping (I am on nights right now) my girls live in the hood of my sweatshirt. They crawl around on my shoulders and then fall asleep either in the bottom of my hood or with their little heads sticking out of the top. I love my girls!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

Aren't "fancy" and "rats" oxymorons? :)

How fun for you! Pets are always good company. See you in about 6 weeks!!!