Sunday, August 25, 2013

Finally Home

I love seeing my family and friends. While I may be horrible at expressing how much I adore my family and cherish my friends, I hope you know how much I love you  and how humbled I am to have you in my life.
After a summer of  A LOT of travelling (of which I would do again in a heartbeat), I am finally home for a three week stretch. I think this means I will have a weekend first for the summer without work or travel. Oh, wait, I am oncall on Saturday...I will still count this as a win.
One of the side effects of so much travelling is the lack of food in the kitchen when I got home.

The icing on the cake of this picture was that it was midnight when I got home and had to work in the morning. Let's just say that coming up with a lunch to bring to work took some creativity...

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