Tuesday, November 23, 2010

CCC "Graduation"

Today was my last day in San Antonio, TX...well, at least for a while. I completed the 9-week Army Medical Department's Captain's Career Course (AMEDD CCC). It was an administrative type class setting (insert my bored face here) but we managed to make it fun.
We had our last PT (physical training) session the week before on a cold, cold, cold Texas desert morning at 0'dark 30. Crossfit while different and fun at first didn't really inspire me...

Then came time for graduation. My Aunt Tammi flew in from North Carolina to attend my graduation and to help me drive to her house for Thanksgiving. We hit up the Alamo and Riverwalk when she first got in. Then came early Tuesday morning: packing the car at 0615, breakfast at 0630, drive to Ft Sam Houston 0700, and graduation rehearsal at 0730. Graduation itself was only about 45 minutes long so we were able to hit the road about an hour earlier than we had anticipated...
Graduation Speaker: COL Whitaker, Dean AMEDD C&S

Small Group 1 Instructor CPT Doug Herrmann with myself and my suite-mate CPT Elena Sequeira.

And of course my own Flat Stanley along with CPT Christina Lunsford, adorable me, and CPT Elena Sequeira by the AMEDD Crest.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Ha, just seeing most of these posts! Tim thought the Crossfit training was a joke. He liked the P90X we'd been doing together before that a lot better. That said, the weekly swim PT was pretty tough even for him. Did they do that while you were there? He's good at swimming, but they really smoked them. Other than that, he thought the CCC PT was a waste of time. :P