Some things I am quick study at, while others take me a long time. I am a problem solver. I do not get attached, I simply analyze the issue and "fix" it. It is how my brain works.
To be real with my emotions is not a strength of mine. I keep things locked down pretty securely. But when I open up, I am grateful that there are a select few that I know I can always talk to, day or night. Do I always share what is happening with me when I probably should? Nope. Am I extremely thankful that those that know me well are able to call me out on that? Very much yes.
It is worth it to share what is going on. The good, the bad, and the ugly. It is not easy. But I have learned that there are safe places to talk. And I am beyond grateful for the patience of those I do talk to as it has taken a long time to get to where I am.
Even one life is too many to lose.
While we should do this daily, I encourage you on the 22nd of every month to call and check your battle buddy. It takes just a moment. Military or not, we deserve to see each other tomorrow.
Crisis Text Line 741-741
- a safe place to talk via text with a counselor when you can't or are afraid to use your voice