The Department of Defense requires all Active Duty Military Personnel to undergo a minimum of one random urinalysis each year. The DoD labs test approximately 60,000 samples each month.
The process:
1) receive notification around 0530 the morning of the test
2) sign-in at desk of testing location (at Walter Reed)
3) wait your turn for an observer (that's right, some one to watch)
4) return to desk to turn-in sample
5) verify personal information and sign for "deposit"
And my job is done!
The sample will then be taken to a DoD lab for testing. All samples are tested for marijuana, cocaine, and amphetamines. Other drug testing occurs but is done at random. If a Commander needs steroid testing then the samples are sent to UCLA's Olympic Testing Lab.
If a Soldier tests positive (after repeated testing of sample to confirm) he or
she can be
court-martial under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice, receive an
Article 15, or undergo an involuntary discharge.
So, how did you spend your morning?